Barry is the Managing Director of HBS Fuels and oversees the running of the business and its development. His hobbies include countryside walking with the dog, gardening and enjoys spending time with family.
Clare is the Director of HBS Fuels and the daughter of Barry. She is currently on maternity leave but when at work she may answer the telephone, work in accounts, marketing or even fill a gas bottle or two when times get busy! Her hobbies include horse riding, learning the piano and walking the dogs.

Laurella works in the office coordinating deliveries and answering the telephone. She is married to Steve and is a keen wildlife photographer, you will even see her work up on the office walls.

Michelle works in the office coordinating deliveries and answering the telephone. She is the sister of our driver, Martin, and enjoys coarse fishing, travelling, Thruxton motor racing and family time.

Steve organises driver logistics and training, transport and site maintenance. You will also see him out delivering gas bottles. Steve is married to Laurella and is Clare’s older brother. His hobbies include travelling, shooting and countryside walking.

Malcolm drives our artic collecting LPG from the refinery. He also delivers oil, bulk gas and gas bottles. His hobbies include motorbikes, music, scuba diving and boating.

Martin mainly delivers our gas bottles but is also qualified to deliver bulk gas too. He is Michelle’s brother and enjoys motorbiking, cooking and family time.

Ian predominantly fills our gas bottles and organises the loading of vehicles. You may also see him out delivering gas bottles. Ian’s hobbies include fishing, sword making and gardening.

Scott delivers oil, bulk gas and gas bottles. His hobbies include mountain biking and football.
Phil works with us part-time during the busy winter months and delivers bulk LPG. His hobbies include gardening and cycling.